PART II: Introducing Effective Analysis
In Part I, the primary motivations which constituted the Effective Analysis were presented; namely, the repeating mistakes analysts do and common anti-patterns they apply. But just listing the problems itself would not fulfill our mission - to increase the effectivity of the analysis processes and quality of the analysis outputs. The focus of the second part is therefore put on defining simple principles and guidelines which would be general enough to apply to most analysis activities, yet detailed enough to give analysts confidence they do things right.
Effective Analysis describes principles, practices, and tools that are quickly adaptable, contribute to increasing effectivity of analysis and documentation effort and are transferable between projects
The aim of the guidelines to be presented in this part is to help analysts understand the main analysis components, select the best of them for the given situation, and to produce quality documentation.
Please note, the Effective analysis will never be finished - it will be continuously evolving, accepting comments from the community and being improved over time.